Cisco CyberCamps 2023 2024

The Open University



Enrolments temporarily suspended as we complete admin on 8th, 9th and 10th of April 2024

Welcome to Cisco CyberCamps, the personal, professional and academic development programme for young women, aged 13-20. Please ensure that you have carefully entered your email address, you may need to check your junk/spam filters for any follow up email from Cisco.

This site is age and gender checked by Cisco, and gender moderated by DBS cleared educators (known as lead educators). Anyone signing up, must agree to the following:

  • That you have informed either your parents or educators that you are participating in this. Cisco will age verify, it is for you to obtain their support.
  • Any core studies, such as GCSE's etc, must come first - YOU MUST NOT let these courses, while very exciting, to become more important than your main school/college or university studies.
  • That you should still spend time with friends, family and socialise - online study is good, however so is a social life.

“Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men.” – Katherine Johnson, mathematician and one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist

WARNING - we review all applications, where anyone that does not clearly meet either the gender or age criteria will be removed.

Course Details

CDA OUCisco 2023 2024

ASC Academy Support Offering (English - 1.00)

30 Apr 2023 - 29 Apr 2024

Andrew Smith, ELAINE HAIGH, Bryony Wilson, Rebecca Harrop, Nicole Donnelly, Elizabeth Barr, Phyllis Warman

This is the community launch point, for the Cisco CyberCamps, inside this portal you will be able to access the Cisco CyberSecurity Support Technician courses.

Enrollment is currently closed for this course.

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