Introduction To IoT By IEEE Africa

IEEE Academy



Invest in learning IoT (Internet of Things) skills and you can transform any business in any industry, from manufacturing to saving endangered species. Imagine 26 billion people, systems, and physical objects connecting and sharing data seamlessly over the internet. This isn't a what-if scenario, it's real-life and it’s coming together all around us right now. Learn how IoT is changing the world and the IoT skills you will need to land a well-paying job. Take your first step now and earn a Networking Academy badge for completing this course.  No prerequisites required.


Enrollment Procedure:

1.Click on the link provided for the course

2.Enter your Credentials i.e First Name, Last name,Email and Click on Submit button

3.Check your Email Inbox ( the one provided for the enrollment) for Successful Enrollment Notification.

4.Click on the link to your Course Portal, Enter your email address and Click Submit.

5.When Prompted for a Password, Click on Forgot Password and Supply te same Email Address.

6.A Password reset link will be sent to your Email address, Click on it to Supply your new password and Submit.

7.Go back to your Course Portal to Log in with your email address and the Newly created Password.

8.Enjoy the Course Content.

9.For more Enquiries/Support,Call/Chat me up on 08134967535

Course Details


Introduction to IoT (English - 2.01)

10 Aug 2020 - 12 Jan 2021

Dr Daniel Ekpah

Enroll now

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