201911 Linux Essentials

Toronto Public Library



This 70-hour course covers the fundamentals of the Linux operating system and its command line. The goal of this course is to provide learners with a starting point to the Linux operating system. Learners who complete this course will understand basic open source concepts, Linux as an operating system, how Linux is used and the basics of the Linux command line.

This course implements a "practice as you read" approach to learning. Learners have hands-on access to a Linux virtual machine to practice, explore and try out Linux command line concepts. They are also provided with step-by-step labs that help them build up their skills and knowledge.



Certificate of Completion

Upon successfully completing the course, learners will be eligible to receive a congratulatory letter from the Linux Professional Institute that indicates course completion.

Minimum System Requirement

  • Laptop or desktop running Windows, Mac or Linux operating system (smartphones and tablets are not currently supported)
  • Web browser (Chrome 50+, Safari 8.0+, Firefox 43+ or IE 10+)

Course Details

201911 Linux Essentials

Partner: NDG Linux Essentials (English - 2.00 - For public campaigns - Legacy)

04 Nov 2019 - 05 Jan 2020

Larysa Essex, Karen Tannis, Marni Tam

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